How to study
It’s important that you set aside some time to study. The language of anatomy may be unfamiliar to you at first, but once you have practised using the basic words, prefixes and suffixes you will find that anatomical terminologies are not as difficult as you first imagined.
Step 1- Read in small chunks
Researchers involved in cognitive learning and educational sciences talk about chunks or ‘chunking’. Basically, it is considered easier to learn small pieces of information and subsequently link those chunks together than attempt to assimilate a large body of information in one go. A good example of this is how one might approach learning an 11-digit UK phone number. Instead of trying to memorise 11 digits, one might chunk it up into the five digit area code and two chunks of three numbers. It is better to learn small chunks of information frequently, than big chunks, infrequently. Small chunks of information are easier to remember.
Step 2 – Use terminology as often as possible
Learning occurs as a result of repetition. The more you say or write on a particular topic the more you will learn. Use gestures and point to body parts to help you learn. Learning new facts will become easier and will connect with previous knowledge over time.
Step 3 – Go for a workout
Seriously, go and work out. What better way to learn and apply what you are learning than in the gym? After all, as a gym instructor or personal trainer you will spend your time coaching, demonstrating, discussing exercises and programming.
Use the treadmill and run at different speeds and durations, lift weights with different repetitions, or jump explosively. Take note of your breathing rate, heart rate response or how your muscles feel. Record any soreness the day after to make links to exercise selection and the intensity at which they were performed. Seriously, working out is a fantastic way to learn anatomy and physiology.
Step 4 – Get help
You are not on your own and we want you to get the most out of your learning. Anatomy and physiology can be hard to learn and you will need help to guide your learning and understanding. You can ask a colleague, peer, learner support team and, of course, your designated tutor or course mentor. They are there for you to use their expertise.
Further Information
As a result of completing this online course you will issued both an internal certificate and one from the regulatory body – NCFE. All qualifications issued by NCFE are OFQUAL regulated and internationally recognised, however, in order to obtain the EREPS and CIMSPA logo on the certificate, we can offer you a complimentary upgrade to a diploma. In order to do so you will have to complete an addition al workbook. If interested, please contact admin support.